Thursday, May 19, 2022

Life Expectancy

 I got thinking the other day about how old I am (74) and wondered, statistically speaking, how much longer I might expect to live. It seems life expectancy ages dropped a bit during Covid, but are more back to normal this year. That means I might expect to live to be around 81. That's seven more years. Good lord, when you think of it that way, it's a little shocking. You always think you have another decade or two left. Of course, that's based on averages and includes sick people and others who die much younger. My mom, for example lived to be 91. My dad lived to 90. But none of us knows what lies ahead and how much time we have.

Along that vein, I progressed to thinking about how I spend my time, especially now that I may have precious little of it left. Things really are coming into focus for me. I know with more certainty what I want to do more of and what I don't want to do at all.

I'm looking at everything I do, and judging whether it's worth some of my limited remaining time or not. It's okay to waste time, because rest and relaxation are valuable, too. But I'm sure not going to waste any more time on things that don't bring happiness to me or my loved ones, or things that cause worry but that I can't change. It has to all be about quality now since the quantity of life is getting short.

Today, I wrote a much longer, more detailed plan in my private blog listing specific things I will do more, or less, or not at all. It helps me to realize how much time I've wasted on futile efforts. But no more. Some of the things I will do the same or even more of are cooking and baking, birding, music, gardening, entertaining my family, enjoying my little dog. Things I will cut back on are home decorating, watching TV news, watching TV in general, and worrying about the state of the world.

From here on out, life expectancy for me means getting what I expect from the rest of my life.

Friday, May 13, 2022

House Hunting

Things are starting to change in the local real estate market. There is a larger inventory of houses overall, and prices seem to be stabilizing or even dropping slightly for the house I'm in the market for. The listings for that type of house and location range widely from about $470k to $650k. There is not sufficient justification for the price difference except, I think, that people are willing to pay the price to get a one-level house. Probably boomers like me who own their homes and can pay cash. But some of those houses are very overpriced and I don't think property values will sustain that over time. I don't want to get into a situation where I pay so much for a house that my kids have to sell it for less when I die. So I'm looking at the lower to middle end of that scale.

I'm looking in a very specific neighborhood where two of my sons and their families live. The house must be one level, and not too close to a busy street or highway. I have other wishes, but I have decided that most of those are not really deal killers. But location is essential

There have been several one level houses available in recent weeks, but two of them had backyards facing Legacy highway, which has become very noisy now they have started allowing semis and other large trucks there. I need to be at least a few streets away from Legacy. Another house was on one of the two main roads that travel through this little suburb. But the city has approved something like a thousand or more new units (town homes, etc.) to be built on the other side of Legacy, and that will increase traffic on those two roads. I definitely don't want a driveway that backs out onto those. I also want to be at least a few streets away from the very busy Redwood Road that carries heavy truck traffic.

Two good possibilities came on the market this morning. Both 3-bedroom, both listed at about $500k. One is on a corner, close to my son's house, but the corner is on the busy main drag through Foxboro. I like literally everything else about this house. It has a slightly larger yard with a covered patio. But the busy street and a school across the street might be a deal killer. At least the driveway doesn't back onto the busy street. The other house is about a mile away and is almost perfect. It has a smaller yard but no covered patio. But it has an extra room--a small entry living room that would be perfect as a music room. It has upgraded finishes inside. But it's in an HOA at $35 per month--I wanted to avoid an HOA, but that's not a deal killer, really. The location is perfect as far as noisy or busy roads, but a little further away from my son than I wanted to be. I posted a picture of this sweet house above. It really is my ideal home.

 But I have some things yet to do before I make any offers. I am still working on my long list in my own house. Although, I'm buckling down and getting those things done. I think my house will be ready for viewing in a week.

I need to call my credit union and find out about short-term mortgages in case I want to buy before I sell. And I need to call and get quotes on storage pods in case I want to sell before I buy. The later seems like a better possibility. The costs for a pod is moderate, and they will take it to a storage location until you are ready to move in to a new place. Taking that route would give me cash to buy a house, making me more competitive. I could live out of suitcases with my son or daughter for a short time. They both have room for me and Frankie.

Even though houses are remaining listed for a little longer before selling than they were earlier this year, I probably won't be ready to buy before these two possibilities sell. But you never know. And I expect to continue seeing more of the same in the coming weeks and months.

I have to forget all about emotional things that are holding me back. I need to go into zombie mode of just working and making phone calls, and getting things done, and not over-thinking. It's time to get serious.