Monday, July 24, 2023

Getting Ready to Move

 It's so hot! 104 yesterday and 106 the day before. A string of 100s or near 100 ahead. It's not a great time for moving.

It's organized chaos at the moment. I have managed to rent a storage unit and have hired movers. I will be moving out on August 7th, which leaves the 8th for cleaning or other last minute things, and the 9th is the closing on the sale.

I have less than two weeks to pack everything up. As a person who needs order and sense in how I go about things, packing feels chaotic and causes brain disturbances. But I can't delay. Everything needs to be in boxes before the movers get here. The plan I have finally settled on is to set aside the clothing I need for the next two weeks and for my stay at the kids' house. Set aside just the cleaning supplies I need for the next two weeks (throw away anything old, and pack up the rest). Set aside the kitchen items I need for the next two weeks. I will stop cooking except with microwave. I have a supply of paper plates that I'll use. I have food in the freezer and fridge that I'll continue using until the Saturday before I move. Then the kids can have it or I'll take it to the food bank. I'll keep the coffee maker and coffee cups available for now. This frees me up to pack almost everything in the house and garage.

In the meantime, I'm giving away some furniture and other items. My kids will be picking up all the stuff they are taking this coming Saturday. They will move my yard furniture and decor to Steve's house for storage rather than have the movers move it. I'll plan to move my artwork into storage myself as I fear the movers will break it. By the time all these things have left my house, it should take the movers just a couple of hours to move the remaining furniture and boxes. My storage unit is five minutes away, so that part of the move should go smoothly if I have all the packing done. The moving company will do packing for me as well, but at $200 per hour, I'd prefer to do it myself.

Now I need a home. I'm watching every day but so far nothing. There is talk that interest rates will go up again this week. That will discourage sellers because they can't afford to move if they have good interest rates where they are living now. But I will be fine at my kids' until something comes up.

With the streak of good fortune I've had so far in getting my house both ready to sell and sold, I feel like one more little favor from the universe might be not too much to ask.

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