Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A little visitor

A young doe visited me tonight as I sat on the patio.  It was just dusk.  I was sitting quietly enjoying the fragrant flowers when she wandered into the backyard, nibbling the hanging plants.  It wasn't the first time I've seen her here.  Monday night as I rolled the garbage can out to the curb in the dark, she and I startled one another as I discovered her cleaning out the bird feeders in the front yard.  She knows where they all are.  She made her way to each one in the back tonight as I sat not moving.  She even nibbled at the hummingbird feeders, but found them not to her liking.  A real bonanza was found where one feeder had been blown out of the tree by today's strong winds, providing a nice stash of sunflower seeds on the ground.  She was a bare 10 feet from me.  She looked directly at me several times but went on feeding.  But when a mosquito landed on my arm, I moved to brush it away.  She didn't run right away, but watched me awhile and then walked away slowly.

If I'd followed my earlier instincts, I would have had a camera in my hand.  The yard looked particularly pretty tonight and I had almost gone inside for my camera earlier, but hadn't.  I almost need to keep that camera with me all the time.

I'm going to have to hang those feeders higher.


JBinford-Bell said...

Yes, keep the camera near by. But this venture was good to prove you are not a danger and so you could next time slowly pick up camera and take a picture.

Here is a task for today. Take the camera out to where you were sitting and pose it in direction she was and try a few snaps without moving its.

I have this delightful little 1 foot tall tripod which would be perfect for this.

Bekkieann said...

That's a good point. I hadn't thought about having the tripod handy, too. But it would be smart to have the camera all set up and focused. I've seen her twice in one week, and I've noticed her footprints on other days as well as missing blooms in my flower pots. She'll be back.