Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mailbox Success

It thrills me to solve a problem that I don't necessarily have the skills for. When I took the mailbox off it's wood mount, I discovered more problems. Besides the fact the the wood was too wide, it was also being held in by what looked at first like a very large bolt, but by the time I got it out, turned out to be one of those huge 9-inch spikes we used to build our railroad tie walls. I was using the wrench at first and progress was slow until I noticed there were no threads on the thing. So I pried as far as I could with the claw hammer, and then just pulled and twisted from the top holding on with the wrench. It let loose and came out. With everything disassembled, it was a fairly easy matter to cut a new piece of wood to the proper length (I bought pine so the screws would go in more easily), attach it to the bottom of the mailbox, and then mount the whole thing to the post using the angle brackets I had already mounted to the post. That mailbox is not going anywhere now! Now I think I will go back to the store and get some new letters and numbers to identify the box. Whew it was hot out there. I'm going to cool down first.

The new white curtains I had ordered for my bedroom were delivered Friday, so I think I will hang those up this afternoon. I should mow and trim the lawn, but I may let that go for a couple of days and get more done indoors. There's always so much to do.

I met someone very nice on the internet. Just the right sort of person really. We are just getting acquainted for now. Maybe we will meet for coffee or something. I think I would like that.

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