Sunday, February 24, 2008

Gophers! Grrrr....

With the snow finally melting, I took a stroll around the yard to see how things looked. I have at least 5 or 6 new gopher hills. They are in my day lilies. They are by one of my little color spot gardens. They are by a dying quakie. A friend told use a home remedy to put down their burrows - used cat litter. I'm going to call my daughter and get some of that. These things are going to destroy my yard before it has a chance to get going. So far they haven't discovered the 150 bulbs I planted last fall.

UPDATE: Not willing to wait for cat litter, I went out with my gopher poison, tripped on a cement border, fell and hurt my ankle. Ow! I can walk on it, so it's probably just a sprain, but ow . . .

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