Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happily Ever After

A friend posted this on Facebook and got me thinking about my own expectations of life and more specifically of relationships and marriage.  No doubt I had a fairytale view of the future upon my fist marriage.  It didn't work out at all as I had thought.  I was a bit more jaded and cautious with the second marriage, and it worked out surprisingly well for most of the next 28 years.  But it, too, came crashing down in the end.  For awhile after that I still had a positive hopeful view of relationships--realizing, of course, that there are no princes on white horses coming into my life.  But what does the ideal partner at my age look like?  If not a fairytale, then somewhat lowered expectations?  Or just more realistic expectations?  I've decided to ponder a bit on this fuzziness in my thinking. 

P.S. I sort of suspect the real problem is in not meeting my own expectations of myself. The old "it's not you, it's me," but true.

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