Sunday, April 20, 2008

Into every life . . .

Isn't it true that every time you start feeling sorry for yourself over petty, insignificant things, life gives you a kick in the behind to remind you how good your life really is.

In high school we were Vick, Hass, Beck. We'd been friends from way back in elementary school. Since then, we've each had our troubles and challenges, but Vick seemed to have more than her fair share. She's been sick for many years now, wheelchair bound, heavily medicated. And now we learn she has yet another terrible illness.

There is no point asking why. Life simply isn't fair, and troubles don't get doled out to each of us in equal proportions.

Today Celia (Hass) and I will go see our friend Vick in the hospital and wish there was some way we could share our own good health with her. But at least hope to lend her some strength and encouragement with our love and support.

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