Monday, August 18, 2008


Every project has its glitches. Yesterday was no exception. I'd planned to completely revise the day lily bed. Got a head start last week by digging out a good many plants, leaving five islands of lilies. Yesterday I cleaned up around the islands, raked out the remaining debris, put down steer manure. Planted a nice variety of plants for color throughout spring through fall, and finished up with some lovely cedar mulch. Hard work and nothing left to do but water. With a lower plant profile, I wanted to lower the sprinklers, and there ran into problems. I removed the tall shrub sprinkler from the front of the bed and tried to install its replacement. But water in the line flooded the hole, and the more I tried, the more mud got into the sprinkler supply pipe. Ah, patience was required. I finally got a medium height extender installed but without a sprinkler head on it, turned on the water and flushed out the dirt. Installed the sprinkler head and all worked fine. But now I think it's too high, it is missing the nearest plants. I'll try a different head today but will take great care not to repeat yesterday's experience.

Walking back to the garage, I felt something sharp sticking into my hand, I looked down thinking it was a weed poking out of the garabage bag, but it was a wasp giving me a good hard sting. Ouch! Luckily I am allergic to very few things, and a little topical Benedryl fixed me right up.

The project about did me in, but inspired me to move on to the next areas. I finally know what I will do with the myrtle hill. That needs to wait till cooler weather - September. So this week I'll make a round of weeding and maybe trim a little of those pfitzers. And do some edging.

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