Saturday, October 11, 2008

First Snow

A powder sugar dusting.
I may just get used to having fun not work on the weekend. This time I remembered to shut off the alarm last night, and slept all the way to 8 a.m. -- late for me. Drank coffee a long time while doing crosswords, sudokus, and watching the news. Then off on errands. Stopped in at the wild bird store in Layton as I knew they were having live raptors today for photographing. I got shots of bald eagle, golden eagle, pergrine falcon, and American kestral. Got a new bird feeder and a Utah birdwatching book autographed by the authors. Dropped in next on Nance and had a nice visit followed by shopping.

It was the first snow of the year. Slushy in places on the road, even a little slick. Required the defroster. I'm going to have to replace those windshield wipers. I don't think they're supposed to leave a smear at eye level on the driver's side. I always get an excited feeling when we have the first snow. Now I'm settled in to watch a detective movie, "Twilight" with Paul Newman, Gene Hackman, Susan Sarandon, James Garner.

What a nice day.

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